
TopFruit Newsletter - August 2024

The advancements in genetic development to date are truly awe-inspiring, bringing immense value to the industry. These innovations make us wonder what further possibilities the future holds. One also more than often does not realise the hard work that breeders put into developing new and improved varieties. We only see the gold medal winners, but the work and innovation behind bringing you the best varieties are immense. This is however exactly what TopFruit and its network of breeders and varietal...


TopFruit Newsflash| TopFruit's stand-out plum varieties | June 2024

TopFruit’s exciting early to late red-flesh plum varieties with exceptional eating quality and storage-ability from the BQ Genetics Breeding program in California. Read more


TopFruit Newsletter - May 2024

Despite uncertain global political scenarios, the world keeps on turning and we must maintain focus on our day-to-day business. The fruit business demands long-term decision making which necessitates a positive and visionary mindset. Recognising this need for long-term investment, TopFruit, as a Plant Improvement Organization (PIO), prioritises sourcing plant material that is both "true to type" and maintains phytosanitary plant health standards. Read more...