Contact us: +27 21 874 1033 | TopFruit Farm, R45, Simondium, South Africa

RDS / JOYA® Information Hub

Tree & Fruit Characteristics

A mutation of Cripps Red, red bi-colour apple with a creamy white-flesh


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Newsletters & Articles

TopFruit Newsletter | November 2021

With spring upon us, the wheels are set in motion at TopFruit for a new season of exciting discoveries adding value to the South African agricultural sector. Although winter is a slower period for agriculture, TopFruit is running full steam ahead planning for the new season, preparing for budwood orders and test tree plantings. Read more...


TopFruit Newsletter | May 2021

If somebody asks me what TopFruit does or what our business is about then I normally explain, very enthusiastically, that we are specialists in fruit variety management.  Normally this would require a bit more elaboration, with me painting the full picture from the breeder of a new variety to the end consumer. When understanding sets in it normally creates great excitement.


TopFruit Newsletter | February 2021

We are surely living in strange times and more often than not, we just want to stand still and make sense of what is going on around us because if we can comprehend it, we feel safe. At the present time, however, feeling safe seems like a luxury because just as we thought COVID-19 was losing steam, the second wave hit us even harder. Read more


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The world’s most sought after cultivars come from TopFruit

Apples • Apricots • Berries • Cherries • Kiwifruit • Nectarines • Nuts • Peaches • Pears • Plums • Table Grapes