
Keen interest in new ARRA varieties at recent field days in South Africa

Amid the uncertainty cast by Covid on the export table grape market, there was a strong turnout of growers and exporters at TopFruit’s recent annual field day in Augrabies (instead of Aussenkehr, Namibia) and, for the first time, in Limpopo. Read the full article  


First harvest of Inored apples in South Africa – April 2020

The first Inored apple harvest has been taken off in the Witzenberg Valley above Ceres, impressing the South African pioneers of the French-bred open variety with its strong colour and low sunburn incidence. Read the full article


Together in the ARRA™ fields – Grapa Newsletter – 29 December 2020

This year, TopFruit, the exclusive territorial agent for the commercialization of the ARRA™ Varieties and Early Sweet™ in Southern Africa, successfully hosted two early-season field days in Augrabies (Northern Cape) and Groblersdal (Limpopo region) respectively. This week we are happy to bring you the highlights of these both very fruitful days. Read more