
SA Fruit Journal – ARRA Table Grape Varieties

The ARRA range of table grapes, managed by TopFruit in Southern Africa, continues to create excitement among growers and retailers. The naturally sweet, juicy and meaty textures of these varieties make for excellent eating quality grapes that please the pallet. Read more…


Open Field Day December 2017 Augrabies

On Saturday, 9 December 2017 the ARRA Open Field Day was held at Sweet Sensation Farm of Southern Fruit Growers in Augrabies, Lower Orange river, South Africa. The event was organized & led by the TopFruit & Cornerstone Nursery teams.60 attendees enjoyed the stunning ARRA’s planted commercially on the farm:ARRA 13, ARRA 14 and ARRA 15 and the bonus: the impressive trial block! Read more…


SA Fruit Journal – Opal – Apr / May 2017

Opal®, with its sunny golden skin and orange blush, is an exciting breath of fresh air in the apple category for both growers and retailers. Read more …