Sassy™ Newsletter | February 2022
Welcome to Sassy’s™ first newsletter. Here in Nelson we have just harvested our first Sassy™ Feb 08 and are delighted at the pressure & colouration. Harvest was approx 1 week before our first Royal Gala strains confirming Sassy’s™ potential as a strong early season player. Read more... Sassy™ is proudly managed by TopFruit in South Africa.
TopFruit Newsletter | March 2022
After two turbulent years of waves, peaks, masks, sanitizing, social distancing, and sometimes paranoia, it seems as if normality is slowly sprouting like green shoots in the spring. And are we all not longing to experience normality? It seems as if everything was in hibernation and that nothing happened during this period, but in agriculture, we can definitely say that our industry kept on moving behind the scenes and with, it seems, a robustness against COVID. We are thankful for...
TopFruit Newsflash - Bingo Gala | February 2022
A very successful Bingo Gala field day was hosted this week, Wednesday 23 February, at Zuiderkruis Farms in the Hemel and Aarde Valley. The day was well attended by producers from various production areas. Read more...