Bingo! Dié appel gaan Asië verras – Landbouweekblad Mei 2019
Bingo, ‘n nuwe geslag blinkrooi Gala-appels, wat uit ‘n mutasie op Grabouw ontwikkel is, is nie net boervriendlik nie, maar kan ook ‘n deurbraak vir Suid-Afrika in die Asiese mark beteken. Lees meer…
South African and Namibian ARRA table grape season – Fruitplaza April 2019
The 2018/19 season has proved to be one of the most difficult seasons for the table grape industry.Read more…
Pink Lady® Crafts for Cancer raises R50 000 for Tygerberg Hospital Breast Clinic Fund – South African Fruit Journal – Feb-March 2019
The fund assists women with transport money so that they can receive their much-needed treatment regularly. Read more….